Every workshop needs a compressor. For a great deal of reasons it is, for me one of the essential items in my workshop.
I have two. One was given to me as a present last christmas by my family
and is a 2 Hp direct drive unit with a 30 litre tank. This
maintains a tanks pressure between 80-110 psi. It woks well enough but is
hellishly noisy. Being direct drive the motor is coupled to
the compressor instead of belt drive. Efficient, sure, but a big tank,
belt driven will be on my shopping list in a few years.
A long time ago I knew that I would need a compressor for my future workshop. So
I kept my eye on the local trading post
(newspaper) for a secondhand compressor. Eventually I looked at and
purchased an old McMillan "Dentist" model. It was
only rated at 3 c.f.m but had a 50 litre tank and could maintain 60 psi.
But the best thing about it is that it is whisper quiet.
You can be a foot from it running and still speak in a normal level. It's
awesome. So when it's 9 a.m.-5 p.m. during the day I
use the direct drive. But if I am in the workshop after hours I use
the "dentist". It's barely detectible standing outside my