
Workshop Photos Tools Projects Don't Buy! Links

                            As mentioned on my homepage my biggest challenge is that my workshop is tiny...I mean really small.    It is 18 X 20 feet total.  I
                            Into this I have a table saw (of sorts), my homemade table saw project, my lathe, my bandsaw, my router table, my compound mitre
                            saw and of course my workbench.  Coupled to this is cupboards to hold all of my hand power tools, racks for storing the many
                            peripheral bits that one accumulates.  

                            I guess that I should say right up front that I take great pride in reusing as much as I can - especially stuff that I find during hard
                            rubbish council cleanup (a process where residents put the front of their property and the local council picks it up for free.  This
                            happens about twice a year and is an absolute bonanza for the collector of interesting bits.  One mans trash is another mans treasure.
                            So, my workshop is full or recycled bits, from light fittings, tools, tubing and much more.

                           I think there are several reasons why I am thrifty with what I spend my hard earned money on.  The main reason, my wife just doesn't
                           give me enough money (she is the financial controller in our family, otherwise I'd do nothing but buy tools) to purchase anything!

                            It took three solid months of work to get my bandsaw, which was only $399 Australian.  Read all about it.

                            One great thing that I got to do in 2003 was to upgrade my kitchen.  The best bit about that was the fact that I got the old kitchen to
                            use in the workshop.  Which has come pretty handy for storage and giving me more bench space.  Check out the workshop cupboards.

                            One of the first things that I built for myself was a router table.   Ripped off many design clues that I had seen about the web.

                            Every workshop needs a compressor for various chores.  From cleaning your workbench with a blow nozzle to painting
                            with a spray gun.  Go and see my compressors.

                            One of the most essential tools in the workshop is your drill press. Check it out.

                            Something that I have gotten into recently is woodturning, on my old clunker lathe.

                            Click here for some of the most important things in my workshop!